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Key Indicator: Bank Rates - 7% | CRR = 4.00% | SLR = 21.25% | REPO Rate: 6.50% --- USD Buying: 3.9345 | Selling - 3.9385 | GHSNGN: 71.63-71.63                                                 Key Indicator: Bank Rates - 7% | CRR = 4.00% | SLR = 21.25% | REPO Rate: 6.50% --- USD Buying: 3.9345 | Selling - 3.9385 | GHSNGN: 71.63-71.63                                                              Key Indicator: Bank Rates - 7% | CRR = 4.00% | SLR = 21.25% | REPO Rate: 6.50% --- USD Buying: 3.9345 | Selling - 3.9385 | GHSNGN: 71.63-71.63

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    Current Account    

    Export Bonus        

    Savings Account    

    Call Account         

    Fixed deposit        

COVID-19 Update: As COVID-19 continues to challenge USA and the economy, we’re here to support you. Find out how we’ve expanded some of our relief measures to help alleviate financial pressures.

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Retail Banking

Current Account (C/A)

This type of account is suitable for day-to-day business transactions. Active operation of the Current Account enables customers’ access credit facilities of the Bank. A Current Account holder could qualify for any lending facility (subject to loan terms and conditions), if he or she operates the account for a minimum period of six (6) months.


Savings Account (SA)

This account is suitable for individuals who are eighteen (18) years and above, societies and organizations who want to save part of their earnings to meet future needs i.e. to purchase fixed assets, to pay school fees etc. This account can also be opened in trust for minors and can be used as security to obtain a loan facility from the Bank.


Church-Link Account

The Barclays Church-link is a product designed for Churches. This is a hybrid of a current and an investment account specifically designed to offer churches high interest, flexibility of a Cheque book and a loan facility when required.

Requirements To Open a Church-link Account:

    The church must be legitimately registered.

    The church must be easily located.

    It must be constitutionally governed.

    It must have a well constituted committee.