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Key Indicator: Bank Rates - 7% | CRR = 4.00% | SLR = 21.25% | REPO Rate: 6.50% --- USD Buying: 3.9345 | Selling - 3.9385 | GHSNGN: 71.63-71.63                                                 Key Indicator: Bank Rates - 7% | CRR = 4.00% | SLR = 21.25% | REPO Rate: 6.50% --- USD Buying: 3.9345 | Selling - 3.9385 | GHSNGN: 71.63-71.63                                                              Key Indicator: Bank Rates - 7% | CRR = 4.00% | SLR = 21.25% | REPO Rate: 6.50% --- USD Buying: 3.9345 | Selling - 3.9385 | GHSNGN: 71.63-71.63

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COVID-19 Update: As COVID-19 continues to challenge USA and the economy, we’re here to support you. Find out how we’ve expanded some of our relief measures to help alleviate financial pressures.

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Trade Finance

In order to facilitate the business(es) of our clients, the Bank undertakes these services on their behalf:

Letters of Credit (Documentary Credit):

BOM issues Letters of Credit (LCs) on behalf of clients. An LC is a written assurance of a bank (the issuing bank) on the instruction of the applicant (purchaser) to the beneficiary (seller) to pay a specific amount in the agreed currency provided the beneficiary submits documents in conformity with the documentary credit within the prescribed deadlines.


Documentary Collection (Bills for Collection):

The Bank also undertakes Documentary Collection on behalf of its clients. Documentary collection is the instruction of the seller (drawer) to his bank to collect the value of the documents from the purchaser (drawer) by handing over the documents against payment or an undertaking to pay.

Documents against payment (D/P) or Sight Collection:

This is the type of arrangement where the drawer (seller/exporter) presents the agreed shipping documents to his or her bank (i.e., the remitting bank) immediately after the dispatch of goods and instructs the presenting bank to collect the respective payment from the drawer (buyer/importer) through the buyers bank (collecting bank). Payment becomes due at sight.


Documents against Acceptance (D/A):

In case of D/A the drawer (buyer/importer) does not have to pay at sight but to accept an issuance draft (Bill of Exchange) drawn on him/her by the seller. The seller can require that, the accepted draft to be returned to him/her or kept in safe custody with the collecting bank until maturity date. At maturity date, the buyer is required to honor the bill of exchange by payment.

Cash in Advance/Advance Payment:

This is the most basic mode of payment for goods. The supplier receives cash from the buyer before the goods are shipped. Advance payments of up to USD 50,000.00 per importer can be made as allowed by the BOM regulation, but should be regularized within a maximum of ninety (90) days.

Open Account:

This is a credit relationship in which the buyer pays upon the receipt of goods or on deferred payment basis. An open account transaction is a sale where the goods are shipped and delivered before payment is due, which is usually in 30 to 90 days. Parties to this transaction in the strict sense are the seller/exporter and the buyer/importer. Barclays acts as an intermediary through which the funds are sent.

Outward Transfers:

The Bank also offers Outward Transfers services for its numerous clients. These transfers are usually used for the payment of school fees, medical bills, subscriptions and living expenses among others.